You Are Not My Customer!

I am really tired of all the people out there trying to get me to buy their stuff. You may have seen several of these websites yourself. You sign up for what sounds like a terrific free webinar, only to find out it was just an infomercial and you wasted an hour or two just to pick up a few tidbits of information.

I’m done


What this blog is aiming to do is just TWO things:

  1. To show the writers that follow, what some of the pitfalls of being a writer are, and where to find GOOD information, so hopefully you won’t have to go through what I did to learn what I know.
  2. Some day I hope to have the blog self-supporting by recommending quality tools for writers. If you click on a link from my website, I will sometimes get paid–sometimes not. Bottom line, if I used it, read it, tried it, hated it, trashed it, you will see it here. If I can make this blog self-supporting without costing you a dime, we both should be happy.

That’s all!

You are not my customer, you are a fellow writer who is on a journey that is going to take a lot of time, energy, patience and some money, just like me. This blog is a record of what I learned as well as a resource for good tools that I have found to help me get the job done quickly, and as cheaply as possible. You may also find many cautionary tales when you read my many mistakes. I, too, started out knowing nothing. Knowing what I know now, I will definitely do things differently, and hopefully you can learn to do them too.

So keep your visa card in your wallet or purse. I don’t want it. If I gain a friend out of this blog, I’ll be happy. If this site breaks even, I’ll be giddy. If someone buys my book, I’ll be ecstatic.

Oh, one more thing: the website that’s attached to this blog is devoted entirely to promoting my book. Yours should too.

What you choose to blog about, and how you wish to treat your readers–that’s up to you.